Sunderstorm Acquires Nevada’s Abide Brands

Ryan Allway

June 8th, 2023

News, Top News

The company’s first-ever acquisition adds a new category to its Nevada portfolio, signaling a new phase of growth and expansion


LOS ANGELES, June 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sunderstorm, an award-winning company in the consumer cannabis space, has acquired Nevada-based Abide Brands, maker of Bounti Vapes. The acquisition allows Sunderstorm to add valuable team members and a new product category to its Nevada portfolio. This is the first acquisition for the California-based company, and it marks the start of a new phase of growth that will include expanding its categories nationally.

Sunderstorm, which started the year with one of its best quarters to date, continues to enjoy sales growth built on a foundation of great systems, automation, products and team building. These investments in ready-to-scale infrastructure put the company in a position to accelerate growth, and Sunderstorm initiated its expansion phase with the acquisition of Abide Brands, a respected vape company with a reputation for quality products and talented leadership.


“We’ve built this machine to scale and last, and we’re ready to leverage it for future growth,” says Cameron Clarke, Co-Founder and CEO of Sunderstorm. “By bringing Abide Brands into the fold, we’re adding a new product category and accomplished team members to our expanding Nevada presence. This is the first of more big moves to come.”


“Sunderstorm is a great partner for all we want to accomplish with Bounti Vapes,” adds Kevin Spence, President and CEO of Abide Brands. “The synergy between our teams will strengthen all we do and position us both for greater success.”


Nevada represents a billion dollar cannabis market that’s widely expected to grow in coming years. Sunderstorm has a strong presence in the Nevada market with KANHA, its award-winning premium gummies brand, and Abide Brands will add to its statewide market share.


About Sunderstorm
Sunderstorm is one of the largest and most trusted companies in the consumer cannabis space. Inspired by passion for science and plant medicine, Sunderstorm prides itself on zero pesticides, all-natural ingredients and precision dosage that earned the Most Accurately Formulated Edible award at The Cannys. Sunderstorm’s brands include KANHA, the fourth-largest U.S. edible brand, featuring the best-tasting flavors and a NANO series with the only proven fast-acting technology. Established in California in 2015, Sunderstorm serves California, Nevada, Massachusetts, Colorado and will enter the Asian market this year as one of the first U.S. brands in Thailand. The lifestyle-driven company strives to elevate the experiences that consumers love, from music and action sports to wellness and yoga, in pursuit of greater exploration.


About Abide Brands
Nevada-based Abide Brands is the maker of Bounti Vapes, one of the top-selling vape brands in the state. Bounti, a boutique craft brand, was introduced by Las Vegas natives as a contrast to the low-quality products flooding the market. Their artisanal blends quickly gained a loyal base of discerning consumers. As part of Sunderstorm, Abide Brands is now positioned to meet the growing demand from its customers.


This article was published by CFN Enterprises Inc. (OTCQB: CNFN), owner and operator of CFN Media, the industry’s leading agency and digital financial media network dedicated to the burgeoning CBD and legal cannabis industries. Call +1 (833) 420-CNFN for more information.

About Ryan Allway

Mr. Allway has over a decade of experience in the financial markets as both a private investor and financial journalist. He has been actively involved in the cannabis industry since its inception, covering public and private companies.

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CFN Enterprises Inc. (OTCQB: CNFN) owns and operates CFN Media Group, the premier agency and financial media network reaching executives, entrepreneurs and consumers worldwide. Through its proprietary content creation, video library, and distribution via, CFN has built an extensive database of cannabis interest, assisting many of the world’s largest cannabis firms and CBD brands to build awareness and thrive. For more information, please visit

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